Welcome to ChurchNB.com, the website of Church NB the site that lists churches in Dieppe, Fredericton and the Moncton area. Saint John was planned but may come much later .
Church NB makes it easy and quick to find local churches in NB and obtain the hours of service and type of ministry when provided to us.
Church NB is also providing special links to minister to various individuals.
Church NB is also working on providing special verses (tracts) to help new Christians who have come into the Kingdom of Heaven.
ChurchNB.com is a website that lists local churches in NB by specific City. The list of local Church in NB is a work in progress.
ChurchNB.com can provide information about time of services if the church provide us with the information.
ChurchNB.com has some very helpful links, such as Focus on the Family and links to some of the best material for children's ministry. The links will be a resource to any member of your church family or friend.
Church NB goal was to have a list and a picture of every church building in NB on Church NB website. Our effort has been diverted to finding links to great messages by great servant of God.
CEF has a unique website for young and old to take in a bible study or do a ministry within the website.
Explore the Church NB website especially the page to great messages. Mom's you will find a page for kids that provide links to songs, movement and animated Bible stories for kids and adults. If you need to wash dishes and want your kids to learn some educational material then use the links from Kids Page on Church NB.