Jesus message Go and make disciples
Great Commission - Go make Disciples - Messages

This page is dedicated to link messages that remind us to listen to Jesus's great commission to all Christians - Go and make disciples. 

My prayers is for all of us to be stimulated and encouraged by one another and serve our great King with great passion.

I am sure you will enjoy these messages and be inspired.

This is Discipleship - 2mins - animated

The Missional Church... simple - 2mins

Duty of a Christian  - animated - 4mins

The Great Commission

6 Simple Ways to Make Disciples Without Adding Anything To Your Schedule - Caesar Kalinowski - 3mins

Life with Mission VS Life of Mission - Caesar Kalinowski -2mins

What is the Church? - 2mins

Does Street Evangelism Work - my dad

What Part of the Gospel Is Optional?

Holy And Anointed One - Randy Butler - 4mins

Thy Word - Michael Smith & Amy Grant - 4mins

This page was last updated: September 6, 2013