For Jamaican - Messages
This page is dedicated to link messages to help my Jamaican friends to understand the simple message of the Gospel.
Many of you have claimed the BEST GIFT from God through Faith on Jesus alone. For that I am thrilled God has chosen you and has blessed you by Forgiving all of your sins and has given you the Holy Spirit as a seal of HIS promise.
I have created this page titled Jamaican but this page could also be helpful for the majority of Christians because most add works to the Gospel message.
Saved by FAITH and GRACE alone is what the bible tells us but how many believe that Jesus is sufficient, that Jesus blood paid it all for you. How many Christians believe the PURE SIMPLE message.
The links is to help understand how we receive God's greatest Gift, Eternal Life (Ticket to Heaven) what FAITH means, what Grace means, what Repent means.
Best Gift = Ticket to Heaven (Eternal Life) = All my sins forgiven + Jesus living in me
All my sins forgiven + Jesus living in me sentence I must give credit to Julie a Filipina who gave me her definition of Best Gift when she was a Catholic and before she got saved. Just amazing sentence that clearly explains Best Gift and Ticket to Heaven. Just an amazing short but specific explanation in short few words.
I believe All my sins forgiven + Jesus living in me was a Christmas gift given to me from God through a Catholic Filipina just before Christmas.
To those Christians I have shared the sentence
All my sins forgiven + Jesus living in me they were like me amazed with the simplicity. Wonderful explanation of what is the best gift.
We all have a tendency to add to the simple Gospel message and we are told not to add to the Gospel message. I find it hard to understand why people keep wanting to add to the simple truth of how one can accept the Best Gift from God if one is chosen?
This page is a work in progress!

This page was last updated: October 9, 2014