Messages for Muslims
This page is dedicated to link messages by former Muslims who understands the truth of the real living GOD. View links below to hear some stimulating and biblical truths by former Muslims.
This page is for you to look into the truth of what God says about Jesus and about getting Ticket to Heaven.
I have met some radicals Muslims but I have also met some of you Muslims that God wants you to get your Ticket to Heaven. Please view some of these links if God knocks at your door do not ignore HIS knock at your door.
Some of the links below created by an ex Muslim are no longer available and that is sad. The young lady flowed so much of God's love through her message.
This is the message that will show when you click on some of her messages that were amazing message to the chosen Muslim who this young lady was trying to reach out to.
"Ex Muslim girl prove..." The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement. "Ex Muslim girl prove..." The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement.
Anti God working to remove great messages from this ex Muslim young Christian warrior for Jesus who found the TRUTH about Jesus and the meaning of the cross. This fine lady created her own tape so how can she infringe on a copyright? Makes no sense.
I will leave it for now and please pray for her protection against evil attacks. She was threatened of death because of her message to reach out to her Muslim people. If you saw her message you would see God's hand is upon this precious warrior of HIS.

This page was last updated: October 8, 2014